Monday, May 22, 2006

Law of Attraction and Our Meddling Ways

Lately I keep running across reminders about the Law of Attraction, one of those universal laws. There is a good article called The Secret of Doing without Doing. Here is an excerpt that addresses timing and visualization:

Put simply, you should take no action on anything until you have visualized
your desire and made it real enough in your mind that your next action (step),
whatever it is, seems like the most logical step.

How can you know the next logical step? Here is the test that you can give to yourself before taking any action: If you focus on what you desire and still feel overwhelmed or anxious, then you are not ready for any action. You know you are ready when it feels like the next logical step is effortless. There is no effort, no strain and no pain.

The whole article is really concise, but I found those above paragraphs to be 'The Key' . And it is this key that is sometimes missing when practicing visualization and the Law of Attraction. I think I have been fortunate in that in my life, I think I have just instinctively sensed when that moment came to initiate the change I visualized all a long. It was always a feeling of 'now is the time'.

But I also remember, there were times I had a very strong sense of that, but ignored it. Or worse, squelched it for some 'logical' reason or other. In other words, I talked myself of a powerful, motivational moment. I interfered with the natural course of progress by concentrating too much on the 'how' a desired state could materialize rather than on the knowledge that it will happen...and I don't need to know how. I just needed to 'feel' it like it was there already.

Life always arranges the circumstances for us to achieve that what we truly desire. We don't need to worry about that part.

Things work for me, somehow. And even more so as the years go on. I think concentrating on the inner works of intent and positive energy gives us the sense of timing. Until that moment comes all WE have to do is prepare a little when necessary and internalize our if they are all ready happening. HOW circumstances are arranged for us, just isn't our concern. In fact, it is wasted energy that interfers with the process.

Life means well with us...if we'd just stop interferring and complicating things for ourselves.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Upcoming visits...

By next week my aunt will be here visiting from Germany. Then just before she leaves, my cousin, her daughter and son-in-law will be coming for a week and be staying with me. THAT constellation will be a first.

Guests are inspiring. And I am getting around to replacing things I've gotten used to seeing, but that in the back of my mind, were annoying. Like the large area rug in the living room or the covers for the terrace chairs and lounger. Reggie's been busy repainting the covered barbeque area, touching up the iron work, and in general being helpful. Without me saying a word! Surprise, surprise! Well, I think he really is feeling better thanks to our osteopathic naturalpath (what a mouthful).

And of course I am keeping in mind what meals to prepare .

Guests are fun...and motivational. Besides, I get to enjoy all the (new) goodies once they are gone!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Vanilla and More

I have found, or rather was contacted by the site owner of The Vanilla Shop in Madagascar to exchange links. They have the most amazing array of products, some unusual such as balsamic vinegar with vanilla (I can get into that). Amazing are the realistic prices too. I shall be ordering from them, especially the beans in quantity. Oh yeah...and the vanilla nectar too! Loveitloveitloveit! I've written more on vanilla at my other (food) blog here.

On another note...looks like I shall be shopping around for another Fuji digital camera. The one I have, I used quite a lot, mostly for my web photos and it is now showing tempermental signs of old age (gee, at 5 years old - and how old is my Pentax SLR....ummmm...30 years??). But that's equipment of today. Sophisticated and shortlived. Good side is that now they make them smaller, mightier and cheaper.

Weather here has been up and down...mostly down. Gets cold, can't make up its mind, turns warm then rain and wind. Pooh...and I don't mean the bear. However, my garden is not complaining. Herbs are pert and doing their green thing. Walks (when I can!) show me how fast Mother Nature gets on with it in Spring, especially after rains. Lush overgrowth everywhere.

Tomorrow I may go visit the poppies. Weather permitting, of course.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Serenity Prayer - an applicable version

The Serenity Prayer has accompanied me most of my life. In fact I even cross stitched and embroidered it twice, one for Mama and one for me. I still have it framed in my kitchen. It makes a lot of sense, albeit tricky to follow sometimes. It is a jewel of succint wisdom, as universal and non-denominal as the Golden Rule. Even if you don't believe in 'God' as a single entity in a patriarchal or even matriarchal sense, IT still makes sense.

'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference'.

Here's a version I came across that is a good, practical reminder to me. I am the first to admit I do have a problem accepting 'certain people' in my life. I am working through that part (we humans are a work in progress, you know) because I see how it physically expresses itself in me (neck, shoulder tension/pain) but most of all the WASTED energy I'd really rather use to fine tuning myself.
'God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know it's me.

Yup. A timely reminder. All part of my personal 'work in progress' project.

Life is grand...and so are you.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Waxing Story

Not everyone is as lucky as I am, that is - when it comes to body hair removal. When I go to Carmen's cosmetic salon here in the village, she makes jokes about 'removing my 4 hairs'. Ok, it's a slight exaggeration. Last count I had 15 or so (!) almost transparent, fine hairs, mostly on the front of my legs and a few on the calves. I thank my celtic/germanic gene pool for that.

Sometimes I actually remove them myself with those cold wax strips.

So did the lady who authored this hilarious piece you have got to read. Warning! Use the bathroom first and put the tea/coffee mug somewhere safe.
Click on this link: A Waxing Story

Monday, May 01, 2006

Random Stuff and More Quotes

I've been busy this past week. Tweaking my other sites, Epicurean Table and the Epicurean Digest - the later having been rather orphaned for quite a time. Between that and just doing what needs to be done, time has really escaped me. That does happen easily working on the computer hours at a time. I've not even walked much since a few weeks, but this also due to keeping an eye on Reggie. He is better now, not tops but better thanks to my Osteopath. Tomorrow we have another appointment, mostly for Reggie.

I came across a few more quotes I'll share:

There is an Indian belief that everyone is a house of four rooms: a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual room. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not complete.
-- Rumer Godden--House of Four Rooms

Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another."
-- Luciano de Crescenzo

On a more earthly note, a few days ago I created the most delicious tasting Chervil and Chive Soup (that link takes you to the Menu page). I went shopping into Carrefour, a French supermarket chain...and of course I can always find the herbs I need there. Fresh tarragon, chervil...very exciting for me as these are difficult to find here in Spain. So I created the soup and last week I made Coq au Champagne...ok, I didn't have a coq but the chicken was also really delicious. That recipe is one I created years ago in Belgium...I needed just a hint of tarragon for that.

And last week, thanks to Hartmut my Osteopath, I found nearby him a young Dutch couple who sell organic herbs and meaning they use their own compost ONLY...and he is a great photographer and professional chef that used to work in Italy for one of the top chefs. Wow! Did we hit on, the four of us. Really interesting exchanges. She makes her own soap from the plants they have. And it is so good, lathers and nourishes. We chatted about websites (mine/theirs), food, herbs, Italy, photography, herbs, growing things organically, herbs ;>D

I'm excited about this contact, I feel good things about it. Besides, anyone who gets happy because someone (me) talks about nepitella and its importance to Italian cooking (especially with porcini), or digs up a calendula plant for you and grows a herbal garden and can get you/grow for you any herb you want is for someone like me...a very appreciated person. I think the nature spirits arranged our meeting.

Herbs take you to unexpected places.