Monday, February 27, 2006

Body Shop Takeover?

Any of you read about L'Oreal proposing to take over Body Shop?? I did, several days ago and immediately fired an email off to the German and of course the main UK centrals. I won't bother to reprint the article re: L'Oreal /Body Shop - suffice it to say it was that 'L'Oreal is considering a proposal (of takeover) to Body Shop and not much more.

Here my email in English (same but in German sent to the central in Germany):

subject: Body Shop Betrayal?

I have just read about a possible take over of Body Shop by L’Oreal. If this happens I assure you many customers such as I will react negatively over this. Then, how can Body Shop compromise its principals and ethics? This would make your products unbelievable and taint the global image it has worked hard to achieve. Should this take over occur it signals to me the bitter aftertaste of a purely monetary interest (greed) by an already successful business. I, as adisappointed customer would react to this greed by shopping elsewhere as I supported Body Shop’s ideals and products. I would no longer recommend them with good conscience.

Patricia Conant, Spain

and their answer:

Dear Ms ConantThank you for your query concerning the announcement by L'Oreal in relation to THE BODY SHOP. THE BODY SHOP Board issued a response, which is detailed below. Due to Stock Exchange rules we cannot provide any further comment:

'The Body Shop International PLC ("The Body Shop") Response to L'Oreal Statement

'The Board of THE BODY SHOP notes the announcement today by L'Oreal that it is evaluating a possible offer for the BODY SHOP. THE BODY SHOP has not received any proposal from L'Oreal. The Board remains confident about the future prospects for the Group and its ability to deliver significant value for its shareholders.'

Thank you for your enquiry.

Yours sincerely,
Rachel PaisleyUK Customer Relations Supervisor
The Body Shop International plcDDI: (44)01903 844554 Fax No: (44)01903 844383

So far, I breathe a sigh of relief.

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