Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More on candles and aromatherapy candle nonsense

Well, having a cold does have its good side. I've not been out at all for a few days (sneezing my head off) and managed to start this blog AND write two articles. One is Illuminating Thoughts - Toxic Candles and the other is A Burning Question - Are aromatic candles safe? It was interesting researching for these articles and there is so much more info on the subjects than I have in the I have links within those. will be publishing those articles soon (a day or so)...maybe front page...who knows. They like it when you submit purdy pitchers with the articles.

I am continually amazed at how an innocent common comodity can turn out to be so NOT good. There was a time in Frankfurt when I was burning LOTS of candles, but now I know where I got the 'sooty stuff' when I blew my nose. The real problem I am sure is in the exaggerated and continuous burning daily/nightly...which I did for a while...gee, was it 10 years ago?

Ja...and the whole aromatherapy rubbish....I don't mean the real stuff but what shows up on the shelves as such. I am always leary when a trend goes sooooo commercial. Makes me go the other way. Take a good thing and do it to death! And I have my opinions on the genuine side of aromatherapy. But that's another subject.

OK. I think I have the candle thing out of my system.

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