Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mimosa Tree

Mama's mimosa tree coming into bloom is one of the reasons to look forward to spring for. It is glorious - preceeding that may be a few bulbs coming up such as daffodils and crocuses - but a mimosa tree in coming into bloom is simply a spring delight.

I can watch hers progress from our terrassa.

Hers is a different type to mine (see right) which always blooms after hers, as if not wanting to distract. The type I have distinguishes itself not only by the much different leaf, but in the fact that it grows quicker and stays in bloom longer. The 'yellow pom-poms' are larger and the tree has a delicate 'weeping willow' character to it.

In the second photo you can see the progress of just a few days later. Ah, and the scent is faintly sweet too.

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