Looking younger is something we are all interested in - even those who loftily deny any interest in the subject. Deep inside we all are happier when we look our best and that alone makes us 'look' or 'feel' younger than our chronological age. That little boost is uplifting.
And what is aging? (I mean beyond the wrinkle!) Is it our chronological age (based on birthday)? That is far less important than our physical/biological age - in other words looking and feeling younger/actually BEING younger for our age. Isn't that more important?
Following is from various statistical sources.
Here are a few easy tips for today:
Make sure you drink lots of water - at least 2 litres and more if you are a serious coffee drinker. Every cell in your body benefits and can function more efficently. Foggy, unconcentrated thinking can sometimes be a sign of dehydration of the brain cells. Outwardly, the skin benefits, cells are plumped and the overall appearance improves. This alone can make you look and certainly feel a few years younger.
Laugh a lot... this can make your biological age 8 years younger.
Learning ...those who never loose their interest to learn and keep intellectually fit are 2.5 years younger than those who 'give up'.
Move...even just a little exercise (of ANY kind, such as walking) for 20 minutes twice a day will make your biological age 5 years younger.
And lastly (for today) our mental attitude will affect our biological/physical being and appearance. We all know people with faces like road maps pushing 70, 80, 90 + who seem far younger. I find it is their youthful attitude that makes them attractive and uplifting to be around.
We have so much we can do for ourselves/well-being. No one can do it for us. Ain't self-empowerment grand?
So are you!
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