Thursday, March 16, 2006

Preoccupied and More Quotes

I've been preoccupied lately by a new project that really takes up my time with reseaching and reading a lot. I can only say at the moment that it involves another website - this time I want to have the background work really honed so that it is optimized in the best way for the search engines. Already have a domain name and designed a logo (which I had graphically perfected by the woman who did my graphics for . Turns out my new domain name may not be optimal. Part of the researching for that is brainstorming and keyword pondering.

Luckily, I signed up for a fantastic system that walks/talks you thru all that and eventually much will be automated. This is great, because to leave things up to one's self (keeping on top of seach engine alograms and submitting regularily, autoresponders etc etc) I find is very mood dependant - at least with me. Then I do fall into the D's - distracted, disoriented, discipline (intermittant lack of) disorder, dis-, dis- you name it.

Anyway, since I have NO idea if anyone is even reading this blog - going by the lack of commenting here :>/ I won't go into the project at this point. When I have it up and running, we'll have an online launch party, yes? Champagne and all.

This morning I want to share following quotes:

There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.- Victor Hugo

To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.- Confucius

That first one really resounded with me at this particular period for me. The second one is soo, soooo true. It all starts with setting hearts straight. Would that we could (globally) achieve that. May sound irrelevant, but besides our own (hearts) wouldn't it be nice to get Hollywood, the media, those aggressive 'game' developers to take responsibility for what they are 'contributing' to society and her have more 'heart' for society...which we are all part of, like it or not.

And then the they have any?
Closing thought: concentrate more on your heart's needs.

Take heart.

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