Saturday, March 11, 2006

More Quotes

Ran across two interesting thoughts this evening, from at the blog:

"Fear has been described as F_E_A_R = False Expectation Appearing Real."

Unfortunately such clever anograms usually work only in the originating language. I'd love to pass this one on to my (German) Aunt. The anagram won't work, but the statement is 'real'. On second thought, I should just leave it alone (about her). Her fears are like dear old friends to her. She knows them so well and so intimately. Reality, and how she has created it for herself is just too frightening for her (another fear?). Yes, of the unknown - happiness. Well, at 85 ......

And then this one from the newsletter (

Quote For Thought

In Tibetan, the word for body is "lu", which means "something you leave behind", like baggage. Each time we say "lu", it reminds us that we are only travelers, taking temporary refuge in this life and this body.

That is a lu-lu (groan...sorry couldn't resist)! Humour aside, that quote, I find is a gentle reminder.

Give yourself a hug today. Tell your body how much you appreciate it...yes even with its quirks.

By the way, has everyone drunk enough water today??

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