Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hope - When It's Not A Good Idea

I mentioned in my last post something about hope:

Hope is limiting...it intrinsically involves a certain degree of doubt.

The dictionary defines hope as 'something we believe will happen', or 'a feeling of confidance that something we desire will happen'. But is that really so, or is it 'I wish something will happen, but there is a chance it won't'? In my talks with others, I sense that is closer to the use of 'I hope' rather than the rather pat dictionary definition.

We hear about hope a lot when we are growing up, don't we? I hope this, I hope that...and if you had any sort of religious background, then you most likely learned about faith, hope and charity.

I don't want to touch on faith or charity here. It's the middle word...hope in the religious context.

Most likely you learned that hope means to trust in _________ (fill in blank with whichever word you prefer) to take care of a problem or fulfill a desire.

The aspect I see from this is releasing oneself of any responsibility and dumping the problem on a Superior Entity...and so we 'hope' that Entity will take care of the problem. We also know, it doesn't always workout as we would rather and this is the 'doubt' I was addressing.

I also believe that the Superior Entity (Power that Be, God, whatever) helps those who are envolved in a serious effort to help themselves. This is a non-denominal principal that existed long before any religon.

Shouldn't we do whatever we can to help ourselves - especially on a mental level? Creative visualization techniques, autogenics, NLP, EFT, contacting our own higher self etc. are all important tools that do not interfere with religon. They are important tools of empowerment. And for me, this empowerment opens up my potential and strengthens my relationship with The All Powerful of which we are all a part of. I am doing more than just crossing my fingers, or folding hands, shooting off a prayer, then tell myself or others..'I hope dear God will...blahblah and etc'.

When I say 'I hope so' I really am saying 'It would be nice if it happens...but...I have a little doubt.' Or I may say 'I hope so' in a social context, to be polite. But still, I reserve it for those feelings that have doubt.

I have tremendous faith in Life and the good it has in store for me. I never 'hope' things will go well for me. I take an active part in it...and I know/feel things DO indeed go well for me. And the gratitude aspect is always a part of it (see my posting further down on Gratitude).

How do you use 'hope'? What do you 'hope' for? Wouldn't it better to replace that word with 'I want', 'I desire'...and use your mind to affirm and create?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sorting Out the Wants from the Don't Wants

I haven't posted here for a while, naughty me. So much to share and so little time to actually sit down and...share!

Today I am though. I ran across a very good article whilst researching subliminal messages/autogenious training/autohypnosis (more on this another time). It is off the InnerPower4Success blog. I haven't cruised around there much, but did notice several other entries I hope to get to later.

Here's an excerpt from Positive Attitude Impacts Success:

Psychologists tell us that the key to dealing effectively with life is what they call the “cognitive control method.” The cognitive control method says that you can really think about, and concentrate on, only one thing at a time, either positive or negative.

Successful people are no different from you or me. They have one outstanding characteristic, however. They consciously choose to think about what they want, rather than what they don’t want. And, as a result, they are continuously taking action toward their goals, rather than spending their time thinking and worrying about the inevitable challenges and difficulties that face them every day.

Dr. Karl Pribram, the respected neuropsychologist, has found that human beings have holistic mental pictures stored within their brains. His discovery was that the “law of attraction” is alive and well and working within the mind of every human being. Dr. Pribram discovered that any visual image, imagined in complete detail, sets up a force field of energy that begins to attract into your life the people, ideas, things and even circumstances that are consistent with that image.

Text in bold is my own enhancement.

I've often said that when we are young and are lacking in real life experiences - we think we know what we want...but we can't really know that unless we've somehow lived through what we (later find out) we don't want. And that is where experience comes in. You can't know what you don't want unless you travelled down those rough roads and have a few years on the tachometer. I still hold that observation as true.

However, today my aspect has shifted. Although I still think it is important to have it clear in our minds what we 'never want to go through again' - we should simply accept it as our personal fact (as in 'I don't like rhubarb') and just leave it at that. In other words - not concentrate on that...keeping it in front of us all the time. Otherwise we are keeping the negative to the fore and this is counterproductive.

Why bother to think/concentrate on what we don't want?? Is that creative? No, it is limiting and worse - it somehow keeps attracting that very negative around us.

Think about it...we are wasting our creative energy by thinking/concentrating about what we don't want to materialize and in this way, we keep it 'alive and going'. The same goes for concentrating on lack (I don't have enough of------- fill in the blank).

Why not utilize the same effort and energy concentrating/creating in our minds the state of what we want instead? Makes sense, doesn't it? Afterall, we achieve absolutely no positive change by concentrating on lack of (this includes also the 'don't want' aspects).

What we do achieve is more limitation on ourselves and thereby attracting/keeping exactly that which we don't want. We are in fact using the principals of creative visualization - but not for a positive purpose. The principals themselves are neutral. It is up to us to understand how it works and utilize it FOR us and not AGAINST us.

Not bothering to concentrate any longer on what we don't want is somehow releasing. It helps us drop the mental hold we had on those situations/persons we discovered we don't want anymore in our lives. It is theraputic. In reality, that 'not bothering' about something any longer is the first step in breaking a negative cycle. We no longer 'bother ourselves' about something negative because our brains are now occupied with something far better and mentally healthier for us - creating a better personal reality. Creating abundance, health, motivation...whatever it is we need.

The benefits of thinking, breathing and internalizing what we want - to the point that sometimes we find ourselves almost 'living as if' is the real key to attaining our goals. No matter what they are. The senses have got to be involved when we relax quietly somewhere and begin to create (visualize). The desire must be so sincere and sure, that we feel it like a stirring around the solar plexus or a tingling that moves upwards or a happy shudder. For everone, it is a little different.

For myself, the major goalposts in my life materialized out of my pure intent and feeling/knowing that such-and-such will happen. They did not materialize out of hope. Hope is limiting...it intrinsically involves a certain degree of doubt. Visualization, a form of selfhypnosis/autosuggestion - all are powerful tools to help us shape our reality.

I know what I want. Do you? Can you define what you want without using limiting words such as don't, if only, if I just had, I'll never....?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gratitude - A forgotten virtue

It seems lately the subject or word 'gratitude' keeps popping up. I recognize that as one of Life's litttle ways to bring my personal attention to a particular topic - for whatever reason.

Believe me, I am not an ungrateful person. I have sooo much luck in my life and so many good things that have happened to me - and for that I am grateful and more. But I recognize that sometimes I need to reinforce that.

The kind of gratitude I feel and mean is a pure and simple one - a childlike one. The kind that feels joy and gratitude at the uncommon (for here) sight of a squirrel, for example...and of course for so much more.

I DON'T mean the the kind of gratitude that certain religions interpret - that kind of degrading, groveling 'oh thank you that I may exist, have a bit to eat and a little air to breathe for I am sooo undeserving and insignificant'. You know what I mean. The type of 'religion' that teaches to concentrate on lack (for that will bring you the riches of heaven etc etc) and that abundance is somehow sinful and we should feel guilty about.

I won't go into the various interpretations of Who or What defines The Power That Be. Mine, most certainly 'ain't' (assuming here the southern fanatics will understand me better) the bearded, revengeful, patriarchial, fear instilling kind.

Nope. My heart and soul holds and connects to something far beyond such human characteristics. I don't think we can define 'It' by human limited standards. But anyway...

...this is a wonderful article on gratitude from a newsletter I get:

Hèllo Patricia,
Asoka Selvarajah here. Haven't been in touch for a while. How are you?

Anyway, in these slightly troubling times, I just wanted to sharea thought. it may be one you've heard before but it does not hurt to repeat it. Gratitude.I try to be grateful for whatever I can be grateful about. Who Iam, what I have, the good things around me.

In a world where the focus is increasingly upon lack and danger, it's also a good thing to be grateful for whatever gifts youenjoy. For some, it might be good health. For others, a nice home,children, your parents, a great job, inner peace. You know what it is for you. Of course, if you're hard put to find anything, you can be gladabout sunny days, green trees, a bird or squirrel you mighthappen to see.

So many people are worried, and let little things get them downand be major issues. That should not be your way. Always try to show gratitude. Not only is it the right thing to do, but in doing so, you open yourself up to receive more abundance into your life. If your hand is open, you can receive more. If your fist is clenched tight shut, you cannot. It's as simple as that.

If you care to comment, I welcome your feedback on the blog at: http://tinyurl.com/fljzmRegards,Asoka SelvarajahDo You Have The Power Of The Optimind? Find Out Here...===> http://www.innercirclesecrets.com/optimind.htm <===

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Chet Day's Natural Health Circus: Double Chin Exercise

Chet Day's Natural Health Circus: Double Chin Exercise

Do Unto Yourself As You...

...do unto others.

I know - that's not the way it goes. But it does in this really timely article I found from one of my favourite newsletters . Sounds a lot like a bit of advice I have tried passing on to others at one point or another in my life. Advice that I take to heart for myself. Now and again I have to remind myself, but it is important to forgive oneself for being human. I don't mean that as a broad excuse to allow oneself free license to get away with whatever. I do mean to finally forgive ourselves for the thoughtless things we did, the accidents here and there, the less than kind way we were.

Every now and again I think of the time when I was about 7 and I hid another little girl's house key until she cried. Then I took it out and playing with it (key holder and all) throwing it up in the air, it fell awkwardly down the side of a hill and we never found it. I know she really got into trouble. I have long forgiven myself this childish incident (getting her into trouble and loosing her key) but somehow I still hold it against myself that I was even capable of doing such a thing. It was mean. Oh well...

...we are all a work in progress (except those who think they are perfect - they stagnate) and I still have a little work on that one.

But I have learned that it is crucial that we are 'nice' to ourselves. I don't mean pamper ourselves with a special treat - that too is important - but use kind words then we talk to ourselves. Think kindly, talk encouragingly with ourselves instead of 'how stupid', 'you idiot' or 'I'll never get this'...or worse.

We have to be nice to that inner child. Some of us grew up with far too strict standards, others with verbally abusive peers or parents. Physically we grew up, but the inner child still carries the pain. Not easy to forgive the others - for also being human - but we have to remember that too.

And we have to be just as kind to ourselves in word and action...as we most likely would be to others. Aren't you more important than a stranger or someone you know? I hope so.

Be ALSO nice to the most important person you know...YOU! In reality, YOU are all you have.

On a different note and also from the same source...here is something for double chins:
Chet Day's Natural Health Circus: Double Chin Exercise

Good night. Sleep tight.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Absentee Returns - Bits and Interesting Quotes

My, how time flies! It has been so long since last I posted. That was due to several unrelated situations, not the least being not having a computer for more than 6 weeks in summer. Add one rather last minute visit from relatives and another sudden visit, well...I really got out of blogging.

Plus, frankly...the person I had initially intended this blog for as a (hopefully) inspirational excuse to routinely get on the internet (and check email more than once a month)...wasn't supportive of my efforts in this and other areas. But oh well, one can only offer help. If the other gives back only appreciative lip service but doesn't apply - or at least try - helpful suggestions...one can only back off. In the end, there is no one else but ONESELF to lead and form the life one has.

Like I say...albeit in a blunt way...expect crap, receive crap...but then don't complain that life is sooo unfair. It is...it usually gives us what we expect (ask for). Sooo,
duhhh, wouldn't it be a clever idea to start with the mind? Change attitudes? About self and life and genuine goals????
This morning I was up and out when the first rays of the sun were breaking the morning sky - still it was darkish whenn I went for my (Nordic Walking) walk out to the lighthouse. It was wonderful and inspiring as it always is for me. I was out by 07:30 - now that it is autumn. In summer I'd be out by 06:30 - 07:00 and back 45 min or so later. By then the sun was just beginning to make its heat felt. But now, it is coolish so early. No matter, still it was short sleeves...knowing I'd warm up soon.

I remembered a quote I thought I'd add and then I looked up a few more to share with you (known and unknowns out there!).

"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." I THINK this is from 'Life's Little Instruction Book' . Don't know why that one popped into mind.

Here are more I looked up:

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. Timothy Leary
(No comment other than a big grin!)

An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind. Mahatma Gandhi

The pure unadultered love of one can nullify the hatred of millions. Mohandas Gandhi
(Huuhhhh?? Would that it was that easy. Perhaps it is not meant literally, but in a personal 'feeling' and not reality.)

Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings. Indian
(Umm....'Indian' who/which? Never mind, this quote is definitely from an optimist. It's another good one.)

It is a good answer which knows when to stop. Italian
(Hmmm...I would benefit from this one. 'Some men' neither like an answer nor an elaborated one...if it is an answer they don't like to hear. However, applied in general, this is a useful quote to ponder on.)

And that's it for this morning. I'm hungry for breakfast now!