Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do Unto Yourself As You... unto others.

I know - that's not the way it goes. But it does in this really timely article I found from one of my favourite newsletters . Sounds a lot like a bit of advice I have tried passing on to others at one point or another in my life. Advice that I take to heart for myself. Now and again I have to remind myself, but it is important to forgive oneself for being human. I don't mean that as a broad excuse to allow oneself free license to get away with whatever. I do mean to finally forgive ourselves for the thoughtless things we did, the accidents here and there, the less than kind way we were.

Every now and again I think of the time when I was about 7 and I hid another little girl's house key until she cried. Then I took it out and playing with it (key holder and all) throwing it up in the air, it fell awkwardly down the side of a hill and we never found it. I know she really got into trouble. I have long forgiven myself this childish incident (getting her into trouble and loosing her key) but somehow I still hold it against myself that I was even capable of doing such a thing. It was mean. Oh well...

...we are all a work in progress (except those who think they are perfect - they stagnate) and I still have a little work on that one.

But I have learned that it is crucial that we are 'nice' to ourselves. I don't mean pamper ourselves with a special treat - that too is important - but use kind words then we talk to ourselves. Think kindly, talk encouragingly with ourselves instead of 'how stupid', 'you idiot' or 'I'll never get this'...or worse.

We have to be nice to that inner child. Some of us grew up with far too strict standards, others with verbally abusive peers or parents. Physically we grew up, but the inner child still carries the pain. Not easy to forgive the others - for also being human - but we have to remember that too.

And we have to be just as kind to ourselves in word and we most likely would be to others. Aren't you more important than a stranger or someone you know? I hope so.

Be ALSO nice to the most important person you know...YOU! In reality, YOU are all you have.

On a different note and also from the same is something for double chins:
Chet Day's Natural Health Circus: Double Chin Exercise

Good night. Sleep tight.

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