My, how time flies! It has been so long since last I posted. That was due to several unrelated situations, not the least being not having a computer for more than 6 weeks in summer. Add one rather last minute visit from relatives and another sudden visit, well...I really got out of blogging.
Plus, frankly...the person I had initially intended this blog for as a (hopefully) inspirational excuse to routinely get on the internet (and check email more than once a month)...wasn't supportive of my efforts in this and other areas. But oh well, one can only offer help. If the other gives back only appreciative lip service but doesn't apply - or at least try - helpful can only back off. In the end, there is no one else but ONESELF to lead and form the life one has.
Like I say...albeit in a blunt way...expect crap, receive crap...but then don't complain that life is sooo unfair. It usually gives us what we expect (ask for). Sooo,
duhhh, wouldn't it be a clever idea to start with the mind? Change attitudes? About self and life and genuine goals????
This morning I was up and out when the first rays of the sun were breaking the morning sky - still it was darkish whenn I went for my (Nordic Walking) walk out to the lighthouse. It was wonderful and inspiring as it always is for me. I was out by 07:30 - now that it is autumn. In summer I'd be out by 06:30 - 07:00 and back 45 min or so later. By then the sun was just beginning to make its heat felt. But now, it is coolish so early. No matter, still it was short sleeves...knowing I'd warm up soon.
I remembered a quote I thought I'd add and then I looked up a few more to share with you (known and unknowns out there!).
"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." I THINK this is from 'Life's Little Instruction Book' . Don't know why that one popped into mind.
Here are more I looked up:
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. Timothy Leary
(No comment other than a big grin!)
An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind. Mahatma Gandhi
The pure unadultered love of one can nullify the hatred of millions. Mohandas Gandhi
(Huuhhhh?? Would that it was that easy. Perhaps it is not meant literally, but in a personal 'feeling' and not reality.)
Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings. Indian
(Umm....'Indian' who/which? Never mind, this quote is definitely from an optimist. It's another good one.)
It is a good answer which knows when to stop. Italian
(Hmmm...I would benefit from this one. 'Some men' neither like an answer nor an elaborated one...if it is an answer they don't like to hear. However, applied in general, this is a useful quote to ponder on.)
And that's it for this morning. I'm hungry for breakfast now!
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