Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hope - When It's Not A Good Idea

I mentioned in my last post something about hope:

Hope is limiting...it intrinsically involves a certain degree of doubt.

The dictionary defines hope as 'something we believe will happen', or 'a feeling of confidance that something we desire will happen'. But is that really so, or is it 'I wish something will happen, but there is a chance it won't'? In my talks with others, I sense that is closer to the use of 'I hope' rather than the rather pat dictionary definition.

We hear about hope a lot when we are growing up, don't we? I hope this, I hope that...and if you had any sort of religious background, then you most likely learned about faith, hope and charity.

I don't want to touch on faith or charity here. It's the middle word...hope in the religious context.

Most likely you learned that hope means to trust in _________ (fill in blank with whichever word you prefer) to take care of a problem or fulfill a desire.

The aspect I see from this is releasing oneself of any responsibility and dumping the problem on a Superior Entity...and so we 'hope' that Entity will take care of the problem. We also know, it doesn't always workout as we would rather and this is the 'doubt' I was addressing.

I also believe that the Superior Entity (Power that Be, God, whatever) helps those who are envolved in a serious effort to help themselves. This is a non-denominal principal that existed long before any religon.

Shouldn't we do whatever we can to help ourselves - especially on a mental level? Creative visualization techniques, autogenics, NLP, EFT, contacting our own higher self etc. are all important tools that do not interfere with religon. They are important tools of empowerment. And for me, this empowerment opens up my potential and strengthens my relationship with The All Powerful of which we are all a part of. I am doing more than just crossing my fingers, or folding hands, shooting off a prayer, then tell myself or others..'I hope dear God will...blahblah and etc'.

When I say 'I hope so' I really am saying 'It would be nice if it happens...but...I have a little doubt.' Or I may say 'I hope so' in a social context, to be polite. But still, I reserve it for those feelings that have doubt.

I have tremendous faith in Life and the good it has in store for me. I never 'hope' things will go well for me. I take an active part in it...and I know/feel things DO indeed go well for me. And the gratitude aspect is always a part of it (see my posting further down on Gratitude).

How do you use 'hope'? What do you 'hope' for? Wouldn't it better to replace that word with 'I want', 'I desire'...and use your mind to affirm and create?

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