Today I am though. I ran across a very good article whilst researching subliminal messages/autogenious training/autohypnosis (more on this another time). It is off the InnerPower4Success blog. I haven't cruised around there much, but did notice several other entries I hope to get to later.
Here's an excerpt from Positive Attitude Impacts Success:
Text in bold is my own enhancement.Psychologists tell us that the key to dealing effectively with life is what they call the “cognitive control method.” The cognitive control method says that you can really think about, and concentrate on, only one thing at a time, either positive or negative.
Successful people are no different from you or me. They have one outstanding characteristic, however. They consciously choose to think about what they want, rather than what they don’t want. And, as a result, they are continuously taking action toward their goals, rather than spending their time thinking and worrying about the inevitable challenges and difficulties that face them every day.
Dr. Karl Pribram, the respected neuropsychologist, has found that human beings have holistic mental pictures stored within their brains. His discovery was that the “law of attraction” is alive and well and working within the mind of every human being. Dr. Pribram discovered that any visual image, imagined in complete detail, sets up a force field of energy that begins to attract into your life the people, ideas, things and even circumstances that are consistent with that image.
I've often said that when we are young and are lacking in real life experiences - we think we know what we want...but we can't really know that unless we've somehow lived through what we (later find out) we don't want. And that is where experience comes in. You can't know what you don't want unless you travelled down those rough roads and have a few years on the tachometer. I still hold that observation as true.
However, today my aspect has shifted. Although I still think it is important to have it clear in our minds what we 'never want to go through again' - we should simply accept it as our personal fact (as in 'I don't like rhubarb') and just leave it at that. In other words - not concentrate on that...keeping it in front of us all the time. Otherwise we are keeping the negative to the fore and this is counterproductive.
Why bother to think/concentrate on what we don't want?? Is that creative? No, it is limiting and worse - it somehow keeps attracting that very negative around us.
Think about it...we are wasting our creative energy by thinking/concentrating about what we don't want to materialize and in this way, we keep it 'alive and going'. The same goes for concentrating on lack (I don't have enough of------- fill in the blank).
Why not utilize the same effort and energy concentrating/creating in our minds the state of what we want instead? Makes sense, doesn't it? Afterall, we achieve absolutely no positive change by concentrating on lack of (this includes also the 'don't want' aspects).
What we do achieve is more limitation on ourselves and thereby attracting/keeping exactly that which we don't want. We are in fact using the principals of creative visualization - but not for a positive purpose. The principals themselves are neutral. It is up to us to understand how it works and utilize it FOR us and not AGAINST us.
Not bothering to concentrate any longer on what we don't want is somehow releasing. It helps us drop the mental hold we had on those situations/persons we discovered we don't want anymore in our lives. It is theraputic. In reality, that 'not bothering' about something any longer is the first step in breaking a negative cycle. We no longer 'bother ourselves' about something negative because our brains are now occupied with something far better and mentally healthier for us - creating a better personal reality. Creating abundance, health, motivation...whatever it is we need.
The benefits of thinking, breathing and internalizing what we want - to the point that sometimes we find ourselves almost 'living as if' is the real key to attaining our goals. No matter what they are. The senses have got to be involved when we relax quietly somewhere and begin to create (visualize). The desire must be so sincere and sure, that we feel it like a stirring around the solar plexus or a tingling that moves upwards or a happy shudder. For everone, it is a little different.
For myself, the major goalposts in my life materialized out of my pure intent and feeling/knowing that such-and-such will happen. They did not materialize out of hope. Hope is intrinsically involves a certain degree of doubt. Visualization, a form of selfhypnosis/autosuggestion - all are powerful tools to help us shape our reality.
I know what I want. Do you? Can you define what you want without using limiting words such as don't, if only, if I just had, I'll never....?
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