Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mama Goat Nurses Lamb

My walks out to the lighthouse take me past an old stable - in past years abandoned. Last year or so I heard dogs there and often saw them running free in the enclosed acres.

Then a few months ago I heard the low clang of bells - and that sound can only mean goats or sheep (a deeper, longer clang means cows). And there among the brush of rosemary and company was a herd of goats. Monday I heard the happy barking of dogs and thought the owner must be there. And he was.

Seems the stable now 'stables' goats, dogs, wild rabbits, chickens, quail and ducks. Short story shorter, he has had to throw away goat's milk when the little ones couldn't drink it all and is happy that someone (me) who appreciates it can come by for it. So today I came at the agreed time and Blanca - whose babies died - bleated softly and gave little kisses as Joaquin (whah-keen) milked her. Her utter was so full - almost 2-1/2 litres full all for me and my yoghurt.

After filtering it a few times, heating it and adding some yoghurt to act as a starter, the milk is now in the oven hopefully doing its yoghurt thing by the light of the pre-warmed oven. Tomorrow I shall see. I am excited. I love goat or sheep yoghurt - something easily found here. And, I can get healthy, free range and free of anti-biotics and other chemicals that cows are subjected to. I know what they breathe (sea air), what they eat, where they eat it and love the same herbs that obviously the goats do as well. Not a great milk fan, I do like goat's milk - sweeter, richer and easy to digest.

The lamb in the photo follows Joaquin around like a puppy. Her mama couldn't give milk, so the goats are happy to comply. Here she is getting dinner from Margarita, but she boards at night with another mama who just gave birth to three kids. This evening I held a two day old kid. I was over the moon.

Life is grand!


Stephanie Smith said...

Hello! I was searching to see if a orphan lamb could nurse from a goat. Your site came up. It sounds wonderful where you are. I'm in the states (Virginia) in a little town with a very small farm. Take care,

Stafford, VA

Lady In Spain said...

Good luck with your little lamb. As I recall, the goat in the photo had to be held still as it did not willingly want to nurse the lamb as it had a kid of its own.

The lamb kept trying to nurse on any Mama goat and finally found one willing who gave birth to twins, but one had died. So that goat adopted the lamb and the lamb thought it was a goat and acted like one. Even grown up would be found on top of things and into mischief just like the goats. :>D